Class of ’09 Finale Review

Oh.  k.  Well.  At least they didn’t kill anyone?

This is exactly what I was afraid the finale would be.  38 minutes.  38 tiny little stupid minutes they gave themselves.  And it’s not even really 38 minutes, because a couple of the minutes are “last week on.”  This felt like a Cliff’s Notes version of what the finale could’ve been.  I suppose the pacing during The Present half of the finale was fine.  Let’s just hit replay on this to go through it … It starts with Tayo recovering from his almost-murder, and then giving Poet the backstory of his dad’s death and his motivation for joining the FBI.  Tayo and Poet then team up to try to find the people who hired the hitman to stab him, which gives more of the Poet/Tayo interactions I’ve been looking for in the Present era of the timeline.

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Class of ’09 Ep 7 Review

O.k. this show is so weird. I just, again, cannot believe that it has given itself exactly 38 effing minutes to wrap up every goddamn storyline that still needs to be wrapped for the season (and I presume the entire series) in the finale next week.  This week’s ep was 48 minutes, thank god, but next week’s finale is only 38 minutes!!  There is no way in hell enough happened this week in order to wrap the entire thing up in 38 minutes next week.  Team Future has not even gotten together yet to make so much as a game plan of how they will attempt to defeat this AI monster, let alone start executing on it.  38 minutes!!

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Class of ’09 Ep 6 Review

O.k. well this was basically an entire episode of things going wrong without any resolutions.  It really left me hanging in every way.  After a few eps in a row of some really satisfying scenes and character interactions, I guess it was time for one that provided almost nothing but frustrations.

Everyone’s Marriage is in Trouble

It turns out that Lennix’s marriage isn’t the only one suffering in 2025, as we find out in this ep that Tayo and Vivian aren’t really doing much better.  Tayo seems somewhat oblivious at first, in a scene at home during dinner prep, when Tayo’s mom asks what’s going on between the two of them.  Tayo thinks everything is fine, but we quickly find out that Vivian is not on the same page.  Mom slinks out of the room the second things get awkward, and then shit really hits the fan.

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Class of ’09 Ep 5 Review

O.k., I know in my last blog post, I said that I might write another review after Class of ’09‘s season (series?) ends, to see how it all turned out.  But then ep 5 aired, and it answered a couple open questions I had from my earlier post, plus it also proved one of my theories wrong.  So I decided to write about it because goddamnit, these characters just keep pulling me in.

Tayo and Vivian’s Meet-Cute + The Irony of His AI Vision

In my previous review I mentioned that we hadn’t yet seen Tayo and his wife’s origin story, and we got it in ep 5.  In 2009 Vivian is the “esteemed civil rights attorney” who gives the FBI trainees a tour of MLK’s childhood home, and Tayo basically falls head over heels for her the second he’s in her presence.  Who can blame him?  Vivian is smart as a whip, accomplished, and trying to improve the justice system for vulnerable people.  She is someone that he can look to and learn from when shaping how he wants to approach his life philosophy and his career in the FBI.  And the fact that she’s also cute as a button doesn’t hurt.

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